There is one hard and fast rule in generating income for your website: A steady flow of website traffic. If no one goes to your site, it hardly bares a chance of generating an income. Many sites have tried and failed in doing so, and these results to the sites demise. It takes money to maintain an income generating site; it also takes money to make money.
Here Are 10 Tips To Repeat Web Traffic -
- Update all pages on your own website frequently. Stagnant sites are stopped by some search engines. could even Place a date counter about the page to demonstrate in the event it was last updated.
- Offer additional value on your own website. For affiliates and partners could place associated with their sites and merchandise and have these phones carry out the same for you. could also advertise their books or videos, if the products Associate with your industry and so are not competing along with your own product.
- Could allow people to opt in to get discounts and special offers. Place a link on your site to ask people to in to obtain A regular monthly newsletter or valuable coupons.
- Add an associated with your primary page with a script BookMark or Add this site to your Favorites.
- Add a link Recommend this site to a Friend in order that the visitor can email your website link, with a prewritten title, “Thought you could be interested in this”, just by clicking on it.
- Brand your website so that visitors always know they are on your site. Use consistent colors, logos and slogans and always provide a Contact Us link on each page.
- Create a Our Policies page that clearly defines your philosophy and principles when controling your customers. Also post your privacy policy as well so that clients know they are secure when they visit your site.
- Create a FAQ page which addresses a lot of the doubts and clarifications about your product or your company that are likely to be asked. This helps to resolve a lot of the customers doubts in their first visit to your site.
- Ensure that each page on your website has appropriate titles and keywords so your customer can find the way back to your web page if they lose the book mark.
- Never spam a client, who has opted for newsletters, with unsolicited emails. Later if they decide they wish to opt out from the mailings, Ensure you honor their request and take them of the mailing list. They may still come back if they like your products. But they will certainly not come back if you continue to flood their email box with mails they no longer wish to receive.
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